
Sunday, January 9

Worst than ever !

Alright, so today I moved into the hostel. The place where I'm going to stay for six months. But it seemed nothing.
Seriously, I've gone into a real bad unit. 6 of the housemates were an international students. Some from Dubai, some from India and etc. NO malaysian and yet this weren't the worst.
They were so dirty. Our pantry were full loads with plates with leftover and the floor was kinda dirty with the sauce paste or something. They just don't care. Bathroom was also urghh..
It's so dirty that I couldn't even bare to see it. :(

Wish that my application will be fulfill. I want to change into other units. I need to change it so badly or I rather staying off campus if affordable which is impossible.
Damn it ! But one thing is good. There have a hot shower and we can just on the a/c for 24 hours :)

My room is definitely the cleanest one among all. I can swear that they are too dirty. All due respect, I'm not trying to be racist but urghh. You will know if you are here and exprience it with me.
How I wish that someone can get me out of here.
When I was staying with my uncle, I wish that I can go into Taylor but until then I'm here I wish to go back home. ;(

Enough of these things. It worth nothing to say more. Just be ignorance and endure the eyesore.

Well, I met with new friend today. He came from Ipoh and he is my senior. His name is Yean Tuck. He doesn't has any english or christian name. And that makes me hard to remember it.
He is pretty good. A good guy, he shares his knowledge of how to become an excellent architecture student and a lot more about KL and Taylor's.
It's my pleasure to know him.

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