
Tuesday, January 4

Time to grow up

I'm eighteen this year. Ain't a little boy anymore. Yes, I think it is time to grow up already. No more being so childish. I found myself really annoying and and stupid sometimes for my behaviour. Even, I, myself cannot stand it. What about other people ?
I do believe that everyone wants the best in themselves. I do believe that everyone wants to change into a better person. But changing isn't something easy. It's hard. It's really hard. It requires time.

When time passes, we all eventually will grow up and think in a better way.
I shall stop shouting and screaming. I shall stop talking stupid. I shall stop boasting around and crap unnecessarily stuffs. I shall use my brain to think what is right and what is wrong. I shall stop being selfish. I shall stop doing things in very last minute. I shall stop procrastinate and being lazy. I shall stop complaining. I shall start learning more in life. There is no finish line in life.

There is a huge difference between growing up and growing older. If you are nineteen years old and lie on bed fully one year without doing any productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty nine years old and I sit on the chair for a year and never do anything, I will sooner die.
Everybody can grow older but not everybody can grow up. Growing older doesnt take any talents or ability but the idea of growing up is to find an opportunity in life and have no regrets. The elderly usually doesn't have any regrets for what they did but rather for things that they never do.
Those people who fear death are those who regret.

To me, life is about taking chances and gaining experience. It is not about winning or losing. Everyone wants to win in their lives. Who wants to lose ? It doesn't feel good at all.
Winning gives the feeling of satisfaction. That is what we as a human want in life.
Who doesn't want to be success in life ? The best feeling ever.
But nobody could win without putting any efforts at all. It all requires a little bit of efforts.
Well, maybe not little efforts but a lot of efforts. There is nothing free of charge on earth.
Take chances, do it and never look back. It is a type of experience too.
That's growing up !
Sooner or later, you will see life isnt bad at all.

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