
Monday, January 17

Day #15 without you

Fifteen days passed.
How fast was that ?

Today was our first day of an Orientation Week. Like usual, we've to register ourselves under our own foundation we chosed. Well, I met two friends which were from Sibu studying the same course as I. After the registration, we were seated in a Multi Purpose Hall and listened to few talks from the speakers. And after we are done, we have to switch to different Lecture Theartre for different course based on what course we are taking.

After all the talks and speeches are done, we all have 2 hours lunch break before we proceed on the next activities. So, I took this chances to eat, back to my unit and bath and get prepared for the next one which was photo taking for Student ID.

We all have to wait for our turn for photo taking. I have waited so long and it so bored and I finally left the hall and went to food court and getting myself one drink which I craved for so long time that I couldn't drink because I was having cough before.
I will take photo again when everyone have it because I'm lazy to wait.

Tonight was really a long night for me. I tried to sleep but I can't so I ended up onlining and chat with Tuck. I was quite unhappy but now I hope I'm partially okay and calm. I reminded myself what is my main objectives to be here again and again. Yes. I'm homesick but well I guess I will get over it so soon because of full loads assignments and porftfolios to be done.

To be honest, to the whole world. I am telling you that I must try my best and gear up to my fullest effort to be top student. I am sick of every excuses and what-so-ever reasons not to do and be the best. I am sure I have let my parent down so many times. But now I hope it is different. I will change for that.

Anyway, Baby, how are your days in National Service? Still okay, right? So far you have made so much friends inside. They laugh with you, they play with you, chit-chatting and a lot. That's very good. I know you have been struggling the blazing hot sun and the cold shower but this is one good start. You will soon get used of it. 15 days passed so hopefully you are doing well.

I love you and I always will :)

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