
Tuesday, January 4

From : Baby

Sweet text message from her
before her phone was confisticated.

' hubby ar,.. you know I really found my true love when I met you two years ago on 21st Sept, remember? Now is the time for both of us to grow up, its time for us to train ourselves to be more
independent and even more mature.( who taught you to be independent? isn't that person is me? haha ) I seriously in love with you. I love you from deep bottom of my heart. I promise that I'll take care of myself. You don't have to worry. And you too, must take care of yourself o. Need not to worry about me, I am good. I'll find you again either this Sat or Sun when I get back my hp. Its only 65 days in here, surely will pass so soon. Now left 63 days more. Isn't that fast? ( 63 days are so long, I couldnt wait ) Baby will always love you, hubby. Mmuacks mmuacks mmuacks. Love you very much. Bye.. '

Isn't that heart-warming? I miss her so much right now.
No matter what, I'll wait for you, dear.

( I know this post is quite disgusting but I dont care if you get annoyed. You may leave )

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