
Sunday, January 2

Aiming for the sky :) New resolutions for 2011

Once I changed my beliefs and attittudes about myself, and learned these powerful strategies how to improve myself, I decided to aim for the sky !

I set this four goals for myself and wrote them on the big sheet of paper that I pasted
up on the wall of my room. My goals were :

#1 : Become the top student in the School Of Architecture in Taylor's University College within a year. ( I was failing my a.maths in form 5 and fell rock bottom position in my class )

TOP Student in School of Architecture

#2 : Be the 10% student in Bachelor Degree in Bachelor of Science ( Architecture Studies ) and at the same time be an entrepreneur at the age of 24 years old.

Graduated with top results. Others can so do I !

#3 : Get into the University of New South Wales, Australia for Master Degree in Architecture.
Dream University ; UNSW

#4 : Start my own business and become millionaire by the age of 27 years old ! ( This seemed pretty crazy and unrealistic too! )

start my own business and become a millionaire .

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