
Monday, January 17

Remembe those days, honey?

I'm sorry if the picture isn't clear enough.

Baby, remember those days?
Lately, I learned quite a lot about computer. Computer is actually quite an interesting electric devices. It is not only for gaming, Facebook-ing or onlining but it works in multiple of functions. How genius computer is.

But baby, remember those hearts? Remember those nights we both stayed up late and we chit-chatting through Msn Messenger? I'd still have those pictures stored in my mind. It is sweet and lovely to think back those memories where we gone through a lot of events in life whether it is happy or sad.

Well, for now and in future, no matter how far we may be separated by going our own paths toward success, our Love will be unaffected and will always forever and ever stay solid.
Well, baby, thinking of the days how we met, chat in Msn Messenger, late night calls and everything. I miss them very much. Those were the sweetest moments in my life and of course we will be as sweet as before forever.

Baby, there are many words and thoughts I'd in my mind that I wished to express to you. Since I can't express them verbally, so I gonna type it all here. Hope you understand it deeply. Every words weigh a thousands tonnes of meaning.

I finally realized, I shouldn't have worried so much how our love's life is going to be...
I shouldn't be worrying of the coming days now, you called me everyday even though we may talked in hurry but I love the intention that you wanted to listen to my voice.
I finally realized, life is tough. It is simple but it is just not easy. But I learned to cope up so soon now. I'm so well organized, I'm mature and hopefully I can successfully transform into someone useful. Baby, we both clearly know our own dream. You know right? I always tell you. Its time for us to move towards it. I felt I am so close with it each days. And I still working hard towards it every single day. And it is because I love you. Every single thing I do, I do it for you and me and for the betterment of yesterdays. Future is for us to design. :)

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